Pokemon Valiance

1 month ago

Introducing the Team Cyber Admins - Vhherka and Ximera!



Next up

Progress Update: Phase 2 Intro, Attack changes, Healing Items and more! (Game-overs work too!!)

Sprites and "Veracity" Artwork!

Introducing some new characters: Snazzy and Pizzazy!

Got something new cooking to add to the Undertale: Twisted Timelines storyline. Stay Tuned.

Progress Report: MASSIVE progress! First few attacks before Phase 2 starts, FIGHT and ACT buttons work, updated visuals and Cyan Soul in action! (Dying isn't working yet, though.)

These guys are an insane pair.

New Idle Animation for Sans! What do ya think?

Sprite animations for Vherrka (He's *SLIGHLY* insane...)

Jynx looks. different, to say the least.

The spritesheet for Snazzy's Overworld Sprites and some animations!