2 years ago

Is this guy gonna be in FNWMT4? tell me in the comments.



Next up

Why does Cuphead have white legs when his torso and arms are black? and here's remastered Angel from FNAA.

Mac Tonight: Grimace Birthday Shake Special

Caption this.

Tempted to do a render of Grimace with the Grimace shake, if I were to do that does anyone have like a texture of the cup for me to put a mesh, or offer to make one? I'll give credit where need be of course! Plugin 'n all

4 things: Rusty Jolly updated, Original Wendy and Wengo, The Soul Captivation project, and Hetty from AASB. But these aren't original i just edited them, so credits to all of the creators who made the original ones.


Look! a new horror game!