6 days ago

It has officially been one year since this project was publicly announced.

We're truly thankful for all the support and encouragement the game has received throughout 2023 and into 2024. We would not be here if not for the Bejeweled community and fanbase.

Thank you all for a wonderful year with Sci-Jewel!

What has currently been done with the game is just the beginning, because it's far from finished. Stay tuned for more announcements from us!

-TaylorMinecraftGaming, Team Lead of Sci-Jewel and TMG Studio

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Next up

New Logo Revision

Help Wanted!

Part Two of the Sci-Jewel Media Dump

PSA: The Sci-Jewel thread in Bejeweled 3's forums on Steam have been locked.

IndieDB authorized Sci-Jewel's game page on their site! This is an important step in gaining some traction and spreading more awareness of the game.

The game page also acts as an info archive, so you should definitely check it out!

Sci-Jewel Media Dump Incoming!

2024 Roadmap...well, some of it.

The whole thing will be gradually revealed throughout the entire year, so make sure you keep tabs on this.

Would you play a game of cards if the deck looked like this?

We are under attack!

Chiaki Nanami!