SwapSwap - Raindrops on the ground [TITR]

2 years ago

it is slowly being worked on cause i am now learning GMS2 and yes it will be used for the full game so it might be a while before a demo or even an alpha build so just hang tight -AULord the 2nd (Sprites are Placeholders for now since i forgot did em)



Next up

#GJAsks it would be the GameCube for me because I have started Playing Paper Mario Thousand Year Door and it’s amazing and I recommend it to newcomers to the series

Yo what’s up my bros, hoes, and non-binary hoes

I’m feeling so last breath core

He's animated now

Uh so like progress has slowed down a bit but I promise you all some content this month

some various UTY fanart! i'm using my fan redesigns i made a while back. (please don't be so harsh on dalv...) love u UTY!!!

We have been cooking and this has finally moved to clickteam with a friend of mine so take this battle concept so you guys won't starve

Sleeping the Spotlight Reveal

Soup'd Up - DR: Chapter Rewritten

I guess happy spawn day to me I guess