The Sullivan Story: Treasure Island
7 years ago

It's been a while. (News + Update Post)

Hey guys.
It’s been about 3 months since my last post on this game. In that time, I’ve been planning and taking a brReak.
This game isn’t as good as I thought it would be 5 months ago. It’s buggy, messy, veery poorly made, and sort of rushed, even though it was completed in a years time.
So I’ve been planning something for a while now.
I want to make up for the release of the original game. I will do this by completely updating and revvamping the game.
Yees, you heard me right, I am remaking this game to make it a much better game to play. More innformation will be revealed at a later daate, but for now, all I cann give you is a roster of charactters that will be in the game.

  • Mickey

  • Minnie

  • Goofy

  • Donald Duck Head

  • Harry

  • Grey Mouse

  • The Mickture

Take to you guys soon.




Next up


Five Nights at Treasure Island: Origin Story Announcement!

Coming Soon...

Development Update 2: Remade the Animations for the Menu Screen to make it Smoother.


BOOM! Another blog post!

New Game Icon

Just some gameplay screenshots to keep the hype train fueled ;)

This is What NIGHTMARES are Made of...

Just Gonna Confirm This Now ;)