1 month ago

It's my friend @Vertrocity 's birthday!

go wish happy birthday to him.

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got followed by one of the TRTF community's collaborators.

Happy (late) Birthday, TRTF Series Creator!

made some art thing to celebrate


(read the article to see the context of this)

- silly goobers!!!! - --------------------------------- characters by @Bop__ , idk kind of bored quick doodles! also back to normal art posts, no more silly posts.

breaking bad arts i made

(made in paint tool sai btw)


Happy mother's day!

Have a look of Sarah Campbell's drawing I made for her before I modeled her in the game's development!

https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/951702668/ hi sillys new balagolaba update out !!!! it like . doubles the size of the game and stuff

Sikera jr!

only brazilian followers will know him