1 year ago

It's strange that now I don't care at all about the gamejolt quests that a bunch of my friends do ...



Next up

#FanArtFriday okay, one last art before I go

#justiceforAlexR (@OfficialAndreGamejoltAccount you're so kind for creating that hashtag lol)

1 hour left

Hello everyone!

I have important thing to say...

I'm leaving gamejolt in 2 days

(read article)

June 1st yayayayayy (Summer Plans in Article)

Первое июня урауарурараурару (планы на лето в артикле)

#FanArtFriday okay, one last art before I go

#justiceforAlexR (@OfficialAndreGamejoltAccount you're so kind for creating that hashtag lol)

(reposting because i forget to add sonic realm)

My first gamejolt trophy for such a long time :)

This is really good days last time I can say

Thank you all for that!!!!

01110011 01101111 01110010 01110010 01111001

Idk why I edited that video :v