1 year ago

It's the number i was born on on the weekday i was born 17 years in a row👹

Yes, it's my birthday



Next up

I wonder what this is for...


Featuring places from Sonic IDW and other zones from the game series, build from last summer!

Also, dunno how to get that missing texture off my screen, Nintendo switch version is weird.

Shida borrows Rouges wardrobe

This drawing was gonna happen eventually....

just a random character, not anyone in particular


this took a long time

Super Tsume IDW

(Super Sonic Redraw--> Original on last slide)

I redrew Hatsune miku !!

(Second page was the old version i drew a few years ago)

(sorry for not updating as much TvT)

Silly Boom --> Boomy Woomy

Some doodles

(Silly Billy but Sonic Boom/Sonic Underground)

Also reached 500 on tiktok!!!

Fastest doodle ever LETS GOO

⚠️ Alert: Danganronpa fanart strikes yet again

Please proceed onto this account with caution ⚠️

Sonic Rumble X Oc (Tsume The Cat)