Levity Fleet Mega

22 days ago

It's the Proloids and Bordones from the 8 bit games, but converted into 16 bit. If that wasn't good enough, I chose to improve their designs to allow for the ability to transform, which will add to the gameplay itself. Until next time, have a good day!



Next up

One other thing I have left to do for Levity Fleet is to make it's bad boxart artwork. So far I only have sketches, but what I'm showing now is decent for the boxart. That'll be finished very soon, look forward to it.

This is Palinda, the main antagonist of Quirk'etal. As you can see, she has multiple different forms. The younger she gets, the stronger she is, and she has strong attacks. Only arrive to Palinda's lair if you're strong enough!

Here's an example of what the intro stage boss for Quirk'etal will be like, I know it's very basic, but it's a decent WIP for what'll appear ingame.

Hey everyone, these are two extras for Levity Fleet. The green girl is named Razor, and the purple girl is named Burrow. Razor will be an unlockable hero while Burrow will be a hidden boss, in a fourth area. They'll be available in a likely DLC patch.

This is Dr. Zephyr, a supportive figure for the eight heroes in Quirk'etal. Dr. Zephyr used to be a well respected robot scientist until getting fired from her organization, now she works with the heroes. They'll definitely need great support from her.

Well I came to terms with it, I'm gonna make Levity Fleet 5 into a 16 bit game and with these kinds of sprites. I hope the game will be a much needed revival for the games as a whole, look forward to it.

Pics as references for how the bosses for Quirk'etal will be like. They'll become anthropomorphic animal bosses sometime soon, which will make the new wave of bosses far better and more interesting than what I made before.

well I did it, changed the sprites to be more platformer friendly. Hope this change will be beneficial for Levity Fleet.

These are prototype sketches of how the Proloid Scalpel looked during 2017. I could've worked on and finished Levity Fleet 1 during 2018, yet I felt conflicted feelings and was unsure of my future. Now there's four games for Levity Fleet, so much better!

A sketch on how the hero dolls looked when their designs were being worked on for the first time, enjoy.