3 years ago

It's up. All is well. The game let's you move now. Thank you for patiently waiting everyone. Happy gaming!



Next up

Hello Everyone! Just some little updates about the game. Worked on the Morgue Scene and polished it a little bit and I added some cut scenes at the beginning (or end). Hope you enjoy your day!

Hello Everyone! Hope you are doing fine today!

Got some actions going on here now. The Demo is at 70% complete now. Added some events and triggers to the game to add some spooks.

Wish you all the best and keep doing what you love!

Hello everyone! Hope you all are doing well. Just updated the house and made it smaller. It feels like it is too spacious and empty. Also, it adds a claustrophobic feel to it if it is smaller. Have a nice day to my fellow devs/gamers/hotdogs out there!

I'M|HOME Teaser Trailer

Hello Everyone! It's been a while since the last devlog. Hope you are doing okay! Currently working on a cutscene for the puzzle level of the game and this is the result. Hope it looks good and have a nice day everyone!

WIP Now with Interactive foliage. I will try to add sounds when interacting with it. But so far so... so.

Updates! Updates! Updates! Hello, Everyone! Good day/night to y'all I added UI for interactable objects and stuff to know which way the player should interact. Also, some hiding mechanics.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

You're not supposed to be there

Official Game Trailer for Lappelduvide

Yow the demo is out now for you guys! Happy gaming everyone! Any feedback would be appreciated! Stay safe and keep on moving forward but do not forget to rest!