3 days ago


It seems no one will ever tell me the truth, so yay, I'm not trustworthy apparently, hah, how ironic

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Late like very late lol

Hey momma Lils(@L0ve sorry for the ping btw) I'm sorry but I can't choose, they're both great options and they both help u, but if I choose either or, I may be viewed negatively, maybe not by others, but by me, so I'm sorry but I can't choose, ilysm mom 💜

Maybe I should :]

Edit I made for, uhm idk why actually, uhm, well uhm take a edit I made out of boredom ig

Chat I have a basement full of bunnies in minecraft

Uhm here is this I made this while I was going though an episode of sadness or whatever it's called, but I'm fine now

Here's another one

Also I have a gir shirt and I live it, btw that's a bunny I'm holding and petting

Damn some1 called me a weirdo

(Yes ik it says 4 votes and its 50 50, some1 accidentally voted "nah this is enough you weirdo" they already told me)

And another one lol, I made a lot okay, I was sad

And the final one, and yeah that's all, as I said in the first one, I'm fine, feeling a lot better, so yeah