1 year ago

It took me 32 hours but I finally finished.



Next up



Music box animation. (basically an energy generator that will sit on your desk) Meme!!!

Hi, I was gonna make a coso remake but I'm scrapping the coso characters with original ones for the sake of originality.

The story is TOO good to have coso and co as the characters of the game....

Anyway here's the cosho model I'd use for the game lol.

I made the Withered Toy Sonic. (I finally managed to make Sonic's spikes)

Here's more cos stuff

He'd have some minor face expressions to make him feel a bit less stiff on his face

Stylish Zollew. (Maybe a rebirth, but that's all I've done so far)

Here are arts that I didn't like very much or forgot to post. (no date order) Finally the plush characters from five nights at coso 3. Why did it take me so long? Laziness...

A random comic I made for humor.