Afton madness

2 years ago

Its been a two years daddy. I would like to thank you all for your support.

I am currently working on a new project, a comic snaps.

And also you should join Afton madness Now.

1 comment


Next up

Remake of my epic art.



But how ?!?

Halfway to 400 followers thanks you guys so much once we hit 400 followers I will do something special and some encouragements

I'm going on a mini break today at 8:00 AM EST and I will be back Monday at 12:30 AM EST so I will see you all then also I have good news about Afton madness all the camera footage and office concepts are finished I will also be offline on discord too.

UWA! I am back after 6 days of hell.

I just watched the five nights at Freddy's movie and it was really good #FNAFmovie

Yesterday I was working on this for the game. This isn't the final version, more a prototype for the game. I wanted to show this for the game as a small update type thing. I am planning on making more.

-GL1TCH (fredbears voice actor and asset creator)

Thank you all for 300 followers and thanks to my team for keeping the project in motion anyways stay tooned for a teaser coming this Friday