uhhhhhh submit games/large art(/video)/mods/whatevers in the comments!!!
WHEN SUBMITTING; make sure to add at least one image of your project, and a small( or large) description about said project.
What does 'large art/video projects' mean?; basically something like a long song, a show-type thing, or any other large piece of art related media. (note; a single piece of art (like a doodle) will NOT be featured in the bsd, it must be somewhat large scale.)
note for games; you CAN submit games that have already came out, IF they released within december 2024 or later. also make sure your game has at least a TINY bit of progress on it before submitting, no games that are in the planning/pre-dev stage will be featured. Non-scratch games (roblox, godot, gamemaker, ect) can be submitted as well.
note for mods; please also make sure that your mod has at least a bit of work done on it before submitting, mods in planning/pre-dev will also not be featured.
'i dont have a gamejolt but wanna submit!!!!'; simply remix the 2024 bsd (found here; https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/957630451) and add the required things! :P
open until 2/5/2025!!!!
(sorree for any grammar errors or anything im trying to get this out asap so ppl have time to submit!!!)