3 years ago

Ive realized something. im not popular enough to do the ideas i have in my head, because A: no-one gives a shit about anything i post B:I only have a few friends that actuallycare and respond to me C: my follower count has slowed to a halt.

that means no more people i can meet who i can becomes friends with. also, my parents hate gamejolt, so the ideas are hard to do anyways. also, my school district is weird, and has an app that blocks anything that they find that is "social media/ Unsecure for children". im fucking mature enough to know when someone is trying to do shit, and im mature enough to know when shit is going to be inapropiate. for fucks sake, theres a reason you need to say its nsfw in a post, because there could be kids on the website, and you dnt want to just start seeing things in your main feed. im ranting because im honesty pissed at alot of things right now. im tired of people being over-protective and saying i dont know what they or im talking about. i can moderate myself thank you. when you start putting restrictions on shit like that, i just want to do that shit even more! if im using an app which enables me to talk to my friends when i want to, that has a good comunity, and has taught me many things, and is probally the reason ive become more open minded and less stuborn like i was a year ago, and you say, "hey, sorry, fuck that, it doesnt get to exist anymore, you cant use it, it might have hackers or pedo's on it, so you arent allowed to use it", like, fuck you! I understand the risks that are present! if i didnt, i wouldent be using it. ive probally learned more here than ive learned in school. this is interacting with other people, which they say is a good skill that i will need. i get that talking on a computer is different, but ive made friends who actually care about me. i found someone who actually loves me. im not just going to sit back and say "okay. sure. ill let this place of intrest just go away".

im sorry for the rant but as i said. im fucking pissed.



Next up

me vs my friends

bro saw god.

shanks be balling.

Funky town drove me to the point of insanity

Gianni i will find your address.

cant remember if ive sent this already.

hes just chilling (ms paint aint that bad actually)

sniff sniff mf's
