A New Update is Here!


The following have been completed: NEW Tiny Jaguars, PIGS, Terrain and…
~Thank you for following and there are more great things to come~
A New Update is Here!
The following have been completed: NEW Tiny Jaguars, PIGS, Terrain and…
~Thank you for following and there are more great things to come~
UPDATE #26: Terrain Sneak Peek Check out a screenshot of the random terrain-generator under development!
Happy Holidays Update! Happy Holidays! Today Alpha version 003 was released! This includes the following changes: -Overhauled lighting system -Resource clusters -Randomly generated terrain Enjoy! -VortexVoid
UPDATE #25: Random Terrain Generation Work is currently being done on random terrain generation. Take a look at some notes: Demo coming soon.
UPDATE #21: Latest Screenshot! Enjoy the warmth! -VortexVoid
UPDATE #27: Finished Terrain The new terrain generation algorithm is finished. It randomly generates and is much more efficient than past methods. Expect the next playable release soon. -VV
UPDATE #7: Enflame Skill! Hello *Rive*rs! Enflame is one of the many skills that become available to tribe chiefs. New skills are unlocked as the number of tribe members increases. Have a great day! -VortexVoid
UPDATE #19: Hover Vehicles We just wanted to show the hover vehicles that will be featured in the neighborhood. Each street will be one-way, but that won’t stop you from going the wrong way, crashing and causing a massive fire. -VortexVoid
Been working lately on lots of 'behind-the-scenes' boring stuff that no one really cares about, so here’s a guy playing the sax for some reason.
Path of Kami: The Evolution of the Lore
Heya there! I really wanted to show you all a little gameplay preview of the first boss fight i'm currently working on i hope you like it ^^