7 years ago

Jam Favorites: Finally Finish Something Jam

Check out some finished games!

The Finally Finish Something Jam was a game jam that challenged developers to take an unfinished project and complete it for the jam. This could be any project, worked on for any period of time prior to the jam. I was able to play and record all of the games entered into this jam in my video compilation series. Below are a few of my favorites, in no particular order.


Mini Shinobi is a retro styled platformer complete with a huge world and awesome music. You are tasked with finding the 4 missing elemental artifacts; Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water. Each of these items that you collect will help you reach new areas in the world. You will need to explore quite a bit to find anything however, as the world has many, many hidden routes and places to go! There are enemies in this world, which can be jumped upon and punched. You only have one heart, which is two hits, so you do need to be careful when it comes to staying alive. Once you have all of the elemental items, you must face the boss and see if you can win! I really enjoyed Mini Shinobi - it is a super well polished game!


Midnight Field is a rather unique shooter that has you combining and collecting totems to create different weapons! You are a skeleton, looking to collect flaming skulls in various spooky environments. As you move around these areas, tons of enemies spawn in and start attacking you. You must defend yourself, so you need to shoot at them until they die. You can combine totems (up to two) to create the type of bullet you are shooting. There are many, many different combinations of totems for you to make, however, you only have limited ammo with each creation. If you collect more totems, you get more bullets. Luckily there are default bullets to save you, if you do run out of ammo. Each level has a specific number of flaming skulls that you need to collect, so that a portal door opens and you can go to the next environment. These portal doors bring you to a screen that tells you a bit about your quest before you enter! Midnight Field is a spooky, fun adventure full of strange monsters.


Corgi Snow Day is an adorable little game where you can walk around and hug some puppies! You are an orange character, hanging out in a house full of white and orange dogs. It is snowing outside, so everyone is hanging out together in the warmth of the house. You are able to go over to each of the orange dogs and snuggle them. The game will give you some super cute dialogue about the doggo before continuing on. There is no goal to this game, it’s just a cute little screen full of dogs!


Hopper is a really fantastic digital board game that has you trying to dominate the board with your color. Each different color sphere is a different player on the board. You are blue, the rest are smart AIs. You must click on your blue sphere to see where it can move too. You are trying to move your sphere adjacent to the other player’s spheres, as they will change to blue and become yours. Your sphere can even jump over other spheres on their way around. Once you have all or most of the spheres as your color, you will win. [Hopper] has a lot of really lovely animations in this simple looking game. The cubes around the board animate when your mouse scrolls over it, and the spheres jump around the remaining squares on the board once you have dominated the board.


Keyboard Kommander is a fast paced typing game that has you defending your base from zombies! You are in a base in the middle of the screen, around you are routes that zombies are taking to get to you. Each zombie has a word above its head, which you must type and hit space after. This will shoot the zombie and hopefully kill it. You also have a generator with a word above it. You must type out this word from time to time to power your gun. At the end of each level, you are able to take the money you have earned from zombie shooting to upgrade your base, your weapons, or your health. This will help you last longer as stronger zombies come, needing the word typed out multiple times. Keyboard Kommander also has a variety of different difficulties that you can challenge yourself with!

#FFSJam #MiniShinobi #MidnightField #CorgiSnowDay #Hopper #KeyboardKommander



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