Primarily, this month, I was getting back into the groove of working on Undertale Patience after a very very long break that began back when I became a solo-team again.
Part of this, was reworking a lot of the behind-the-scenes parts of Undertale Patience, respriting things, getting some people onto the team, and trying to figure out how I would do this entire project primarily on my own.
Most of the things I worked on were Menu nonsense, but the Menus are NEARING full completion! Unfortunately, menus do not make for a very interesting game to navigate, which has given me the feeling that I've wasted the entire month working on something players will probably just skip past without reading!

Here is the new Instructions menu, which is currently the MOST finished part of the game, other parts are very very close however, including...

The first room of the game! While this room is such a insignificant part of the full experience it's still important that this is done as future rooms should be much more streamlined to work on, outside of some things like Cutscenes, Music, new Tilesets, etc.
TL;DR, this month was spent perfecting some of the earliest parts of the game you'll see, and there isn't a whole lot to show!
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