JAPARITALE v1.0.0 has been released. Changelogs and known bugs are listed below.
Development Changelogs
Started development for the Jungle Area. Things are going pretty quicker than expected right now, and we'll talk more about this in the end.
Changed the Trophy UI system. It was too similar to the way a fan-game does it before, we had to be original about it.
Added some extra dialogues.
Removed Herobrine.
Known Bugs
Trophies are not granted to people who've granted them in-game. We'll fix this in a future update.
Kaban's walking animation still plays when interacting for the first time. We'll be investigating this issue.
Regarding The Next Two Areas
Each areas represented in the animation series take generally 8 minutes to get to the end during gameplay. Thus, we'll be releasing Chapter 2-3 when both are done for more content at once. Some of the cutscenes are already done alongside music, sprites and programming.