1 month ago

jauline loves little red strawberries:)

So you know how I said these two were friends in school well here’s an animatic that I think suits them

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uhh shakes ass

Anyway heres some doodles from this week so far

Drew this while taking to my dad :/

Drew a Flipper Flopper from the Salmonid Handbook to study the art style!

1st is my take, 2nd is the original

I like mirror watch event so I drew sin and her mirrorwatch variant virtue

Quick colored refs of Chuli and kailo

Uhh repost because they’re Roxie the undead lovefool characters now

New persona ayyyy

oku is still me but I like this one aswell

new persona you guys!!?!?!?!


I ate even if these are the only mercy potg’s I’ll get