Game by Me
Jeffy by SuperMarioLogan
Uncanny Twitchy
Bro thinks she's a Fumo plush
I have also have a Idea to remake this game, under the title "Jeffy Game Anniversary". But this will be some time later & it's still in the idea phase (just like other ideas I have).
All MS Characters (2022)
Minecraft Kitty Lime
Jeffy Game v1.1.12 is out & been updated!
-Added new game mode called "Plus+ Mode"
-Updated the Minigames Screen
-Added Checkpoints & (Plus+ Mode Exclusive) Lifes
-Added the Credits Button in the Main Menu (The Cheats Button is above the Credits Button)
New Main Menu Design!
(The game is still not finished.)
Jeffy Game v1.0.8 is out & been updated!
-Added a Cheat Menu in case you lose your progress when exiting the game.
(The Cheats button will apeared by hovering the bottom left corner.)
-Fixed some problems from v1.0.7
-Updated the Opening Intro
Hiding from Uncle Samsonite
No recent downloads for 3/4 days. Shame..