Tyler is a jester cat. He hates attention and being around others so much that it somehow triggers his fight or flight, causing him to flee or to act violently. However when he's with his best friend, he can tolerate what usually sends him running. If at any point he decides to act violently, something bad will happen....
He's 3'11"
His age is 12
Tyler grew up in a medieval looking kingdom. He was apart of the royal family, a soon to be prince. However his parents saw his black eye and were disgusted. To insult him they gifted him his jester suit and sent into town to let them punish him. After dealing with the torment, eventually Tyler lashed out and injured someone, causing him to be banished and to never return. He then moved somewhere else, where he met Alice. He still keeps his jester suit, thinking it was an actual gift.
The ambient sound of the wind.
Social Interactions
The bells on Tyler's suit don't have the ball inside, they don't ring.
Tyler is good at gymnastics, he can also juggle.
Tyler met a mimic in his home town, he gave it a raspberry he found.
Tyler knows Alice's other... "appearance...."
Tyler gets in fights with Luxi. (He hates her)
If Tyler ever decides to act violently, his bones would shift his flesh would stretch, his limbs would grow, his eyes would glow red and his only white eye will match his other one. In this form, all his rage, confusion, and fear would be used to fuel his senseless rampage. Best give him some space?