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10 likes 20 subs 200 views i think this good number for another spoiler UwU
my last breath (sans last breath phase 1) REMAKE song is here :) yeah this hard to make shart in new 1.0 prush engine bit i maded it work!!! thanks everyone for the stickers
обидно :( над модом старались а пойграло 30 человек лайк поставил я и друг... :(
красиво UwU
completed the subterbaldi song and now it looks better (quality enough that we could say that this is a remake of an indie cross )anyway, I decided to show you the cutscenes and the song! Please rate in the comments how you like the cutscenes and song?
subter baldi song (this song is GREAT) what we have: -i think you dont need a shangeLOG jist watch the video! -like video pls and like the mod + FOLLOW MODE pls
reset pls UPDATE
list of changes:
-more events
-NEW ENGINE! prush engine 1.0
(if you are interested in ARG in fashion, I advise you to immediately rewind to the LAST 20 seconds)
raldibattle SPOILER what we have: -new bf model -new raldi week (made at first as a joke and after that COMPLETED as a canonical week) ---more spoilers coming soon (yeah im gonna make INDIE CROSS bit better and like fun games :)
что не так с геймжолтом?
??? song spoiler ??? @WhittyBlue67 and @baldus
this gonna be very hard song.
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