JoJo's Bizarre Universe (CANCLED)

3 years ago


Here's a sneak peak of what's been worked on so far for JJBU for those who have been waiting.


This video shows off DIO's default taunt for JoJo's Bizarre Universe.



Next up

added character intros for the game, and they all have a default intro. but in the future, we are gonna add specific intros referencing fights from the actual series or even some fun what-if intros.

#JOJO #JJBA #JJBU Hey guys, I just wanted to show off some of the character's that got revamps for there sprites. Also ill most likely ill do revamps for other character's if they really need it, including the beta character's.

#JOJO #JJBA Just revamped the knifes so that they would have a somewhat scatter effect. While in timestep they would just go forward. Let me know what you guys think of the new knife system for DIO. and Ill have news for the other beta character's soon.

Hello everyone, we got some bad news. We were gonna upload the newest update for discovery but it unfortunately got corrupted. And set us back by at least 82% meaning we need up until the 12th of next month to fix this. I apologize for the situation.

#JJBU Updated Hit Effect

Hi everyone long time no see, just wanted to let everyone know that we sadly decided to cancel JJBU. due to our other projects taking up more time and life getting in the way. we're sorry it had to end like this but we thank all of you for your support!

Olá a todos, temos más notícias. Planejamos enviar a atualização mais recente para descoberta, mas ela foi corrompida. E isso nos atrasou pelo menos 82%, e precisamos até o dia 12 do mês que vem para consertar isso. Peço desculpas pela situação.

#JOJO #JJBA #JJBU Cream Revamp

Hi everyone. Sorry if I haven't been updating everyone in a while, I've been dealing with a lot of IRL stuff and haven't had enough time to post updates for the game. But I just wanted to let everyone know that Update 3.0 will come out on June 24, 2022.

added character intros for the game, and they all have a default intro. but in the future, we are gonna add specific intros referencing fights from the actual series or even some fun what-if intros.