Hey all! Version 1.3.0+ is out now and it fixes a LOT! Now that the game is mostly fixed up, we have some announcements for the game:
Laptop mode will unfortunately be DISCONTINUED! If you are having problems with The Barrens, please toy with your screen size in your settings. Otherwise, there is not much that we can do to fix this for you.
Please follow this guide to potentially solve your issues: https://gamejolt.com/x/permalink/comment/17603469
An expansion is coming! The team is eager to fill in any holes in JR's, including adding new content to The Barrens and adding some QoL updates to the gameplay and game in general. We'll let you all know when that is coming soon!
Patch Notes for v1.3.0+:
(1.3.1) Fixed various sound issues in Bonnie's Carrot Craze
(1.3.1) Fixed invisible spikes in Bonnie's Carrot Craze
(1.3.1) Changed the perspective in Night 6
(1.3.1) Fixed the music for The Closing Act
(1.3.1) Fixed a visual issue on Night 6 involving the camera toggle prompt
(1.3.1) Fixed a scenario where the puppet's music would keep playing when the transition cutscene plays if she has escaped the prize corner
(1.3.0) Major optimizations throughout the entire game
(1.3.0) The "new game" button no longer erases all data, and simply restarts the game
(1.3.0) Most tips have been changed and altered; “X to remove tips” now shows up again
(1.3.0) You can now click START in Extra Shifts even if you have the Extra Presets menu open
(1.3.0) You now are prevented from shining the vent/hall lights during the Night 6 cutscene
(1.3.0) If your cursor was on the very upper part of the Animatronic Stability button, it used to press the Conveyor Belt Control button instead
(1.3.0) Relics of the Past's star now properly displays when beaten
(1.3.0) Vent character in Night 6 used to not disappear from vent during their jumpscare
(1.3.0) Time is now no longer bugged during the Night 6 cutscene
(1.3.0) Music box now properly plays its winding noise
(1.3.0) The “Open” button no longer appears over the laptop during the Night 6 cutscene
(1.3.0) Foxy now properly displays his scare on Night 6 instead of another character
(1.3.0) Extras menu selection sound now plays when scrolling left on the Miscellaneous menu
(1.3.0) Scrolling to the left no longer deletes the static on the cameras
(1.3.0) If Buford was on far left, you could click his position while in the backroom to make him go away
(1.3.0) The Carrot Craze minigame has quieter jumps and also has more spikes to make the platforming a bit more challenging
(1.3.0) Your view of the office on Night 6 is now narrower to make scrolling to the left and right more important
(1.3.0) You now can DEFINITELY not get BB as haunted if he was haunted in the last turn
(1.3.0) Extras menu selection sound has been extended to the Extra Shifts menu as well
(1.3.0) Persistent Analysis (Night Ambience) is now shortened, quieter, and only plays during Custom Night
(1.3.0) Music during The Closing Act (Max Mode) used to be very distorted and had crackling noises
(1.3.0) Aligned text in multiple places throughout the game (i.e “Paulbear is waiting for you”)
(1.3.0) Selecting “No Errors” before starting SR Mode no longer makes your first attempt have “No Errors” active
(1.3.0) Various debug keys removed
(1.3.0) Pressing space during loading no longer puts you in the Night 6 Barrens
(1.3.0) Various grammar changes and fixes (thanks to @ACOMStudios )
(1.3.0) You can no longer click the “Watch it” and “Leave it” buttons on the tape screen before they have appeared
(1.3.0) Handprints can now only be placed when the haunted animatronic leaves a room
(1.3.0) Pressing space will no longer reset the Night 6 death screen