Grayish World | Revise Two

3 years ago

July-20-2021 Development Update

I am currently unable to obtain the necessary funding and support to complete this project.

But don't worry! I won't be resting and recharging for long to gain some determination, I'll be back soon to continue working on this project without any kind of necessary thing.



Next up

Student, Developed by : PJC2ADeveloper, GoJohnCarloDev Studio.

Grayish World V.0.2.52-R2-PRA

Right Click Option Engine

Gamejolt Log in Design

Changelog : V.0.2.51-R2-PRA

Settings Multiple Selection

Recreating Osu lazer Main Menu in Clickteam Fusion Engine. (Wip 10%) bruhhh

Spline chart of the Grayish World Project

Into the Mid-Rift V.1.2.1 Bug Fixing Update: