Theo/Disruption is a gender-neutral corrupted Mickey Mouse type character who has a broken and digital Aura to them...
Disruption was also one of many of the spirit's who were killed by a strange Unnamed Killer(the Red Man).
They are a very unpredictable and chaotic type of character, who of course hasn't been added to the franchise, but eventually They will be in the second game of Five Nights at Discovery Island though...
They are a more aggressive character who is sort of guided by Their anger, determination, and will power just like Evelyn Henderson... Theo also has the uncanny ability to know someone's name without any prior knowledge, experience, evidence or effort to find out what someone name actually is... It's almost like he just know's everything or anything, this could be dangerous, considering how much of a threat they actually are...
While Theo is a human spirit, their physical birth was in mascot Animatronic, their purpose was to serve and nothing more, until Theo had witnessed themselves being dismantled, destroyed, and replaced...
They were overwhelmed with emotions and anger, which gave them overwhelming determination, they would do absolutely anything to kill the Unnamed Killer/the Red Man...
And despite the fact that they are a pre-teen, Theo actually seems to be very smart like the other's, and uses their randomly-genrated abilities and power to fool and kill their enemies...