A Dream of Markiplier - A Markiplier RPG Mystery Game
9 years ago

Just a little info about where the game's development is at!

Hey guys, it’s Google and I though that I’d make a little article just telling you a little more about where this game’s development is at and a few other things! (I’m not making this because I’m bored or anything. Shhhh.)
So, currently I reckon the game is a good 65% done but there is still a huge deal of work to do like finishing the battle sequenes, adding more dialogue in, etc. If you’re thinking ‘oh, it shouldn’t take that long, there’s a whole team of people working on it!’, there you’d be wrong. I’m working on this game completely by myself and the only help I get with it is via you guys’ contributions (fanart for the fanroom, etc), some musicians who have let me use their music in the game and of course, Makorie who has made the title screen image for the game and is currently making some battle sprites for me which are of an insanely amazing quality. I can’t thank her and everyone else who has contributed to the game for their help because it’s very hard to make this game by myself.
The reasons why it’s so difficult is because, obviously, I’m working alone on this game and I can’t put all of my time into it due to the fact that I go to school and this upcoming schoolyear is very important for my future (GCSE exams, if your wondering.) So really, the only time I really have to develop this game is in my free time (after school, weekends, holidays, any little bit of spare time I have). Also, I don’t really know my way around RPG Maker very well because I have no prior experience with it so really, ADoM is the first game I’ve ever made so I have to watch a lot of tutorials and stuff to know what I’m doing. Basically, I’m teaching myself as I go.
I’m really not complaining about making this game at all because to be very honest with you, I absolutely love it. It’ll be quite sad to finish it actually so please don’t get me wrong, I adore this game and I wouldn’t give it up for the world. I just wanted you all to understand why on earth it’s taking so long to make seeing as I started actually making the game at the end of May which is about 3 months ago now.
So, this was just to tell you guys where I’m at at the moment. I really hope you understand because you guys mean the world to me but I know you’ll understand because you’re all super awesome! :)
Anywaym I justw anted to get all this out there and now I have, I think it’s about time I end the article here. So thank you so much for reading and as always, I will see you… in the next news article! Buh-bye!



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Tock...Tick...Tock...Tick... Time is of the essence, Mark...

...The clock is ticking backwards, Mark. You can save all three of them...

art comission.

Chiaki Nanami!

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Have a good Boi

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Modeled and textured in Blender.

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Horror WIP A track that will be featured in a future horror game soundtrack! Stay tuned!

Likes appreciated ✌️

#gamedev #composer #horrorgame #indiegame #IndieGameDev #soundtrack

A house I've built a while ago. :)

It nicely separates the snowy biome from the grassy one.

It's built with painted Ebonstone.