Mon Village est Magique : The Whale of the Infinite Ocean

5 years ago

Just added a Linux version in addition to Windows and Mac. There could be an issue at fullscreen if you use several monitors. In such a case, please switch to windowed mode first: write "FULLSCREEN = no" in the Config.ini file of the game (see screenshot)



Next up

I continue to work hard on MVEM: TWOTIO! I just uploaded 2 music tracks by @Yazorius on the game page, and I hope you like them! Also added a new prototype, it starts to look good (right?). I will post less updates from now on: I don't want to spoil!

Several years ago I made a clay figurine of the main character from my game Catyph. I still have it on a shelf, even though it's dusty now

Like almost everyone involved in #AdvJam2019, I'm polishing the game for the release. There would still be a lot to do, but I have to stop for now. I received new additional great music by @Yazorius by surprise this morning, so good things are coming!

I have posted an early prototype of TWOTIO (the whale of the infinite ocean) on the game page. It was a version made for myself 4 days after the beginning of the Jam, so it's a very early one: don't expect a lot from it. I'll add a better version soon.

Finally I have reorganized our GJ page a little bit, and migrated some of our projects here. Please welcome our games The World is Strange, and Francium At the Zoo!

These are the 2 first official "final" screenshots in HD. I think it's not bad in one week of work? Let's hope I can finalize gameplay during the last week of #AdvJam2019. I want to continue this project after. Please follow the game to encourage me!

In 2013 we worked with @BeckoningCat on this prototype of JRPG. I'm a big fan of prerendered backgrounds (FF PS1 etc), and would still love to work on a big thing in the future. Anyone interested? More info in article

Finally my Black Cube series, collection of scifi adventure games, is fully available here! ASA, Catyph, Myha, Boinihi, and the others, are now all on Gamejolt in The Icehouse games

A few minutes ago, I posted a preview of a mouse NPC. I would like to share this too: a small GIF picture to show its animation. You have to imagine that the mouse is moving forward at the same time. I'll post the result in game later for you to see.

Here's our 2016 show reel! Yes we need to make a new one but in the meantime we hope you like it At The Icehouse we mainly make adventure games, but we encourage all creative projects and help each others. Ask us anything!