3 years ago

Just read it...

The reason my I slow posting is because I been trying to create a video that you would like but I have been running into mayor problems with the video because since I'm on a phone to make videos from filmora is a bit tough. But the real reason why is because of highschool and my game I'm trying to create on a game on Roblox and trying to create a website of likings and that kinda shit I'm Morely online on today and yesterday because I don't have to deal with other stuff and that so that is the reason why I been not posting many posts

By the way you know you can friend me I will accept it.

And you can like my stuff it would help a lot for me



Next up

The eyesore...

black fish

My friend was high

Don’t be concerned what I watch. You should be more concerned about my sister . She likes watching furries

Just like before the surprise

I need to take a break from playing this on my phone it's so addictive

flying fish...

My first drawing with NES color palette

:0 its gas!