4 months ago

just realized every tv show or game character ever created was once someone’s oc



Next up


ok im TERRIBLY sorry if tjis comes across as like defending skrak or something but this part of the skrak doc really confused me?? if that were the case I’m pretty sure a lot of kids in my school would be outed as a bad person

get a load of this guy!

new persona you guys!!?!?!?!


bazillonth tam persona

I love her design so I decided to draw it @JustMiki hope you like

homemade diy sphere racing

yeah let’s NOT do this ESPECIALLY knowing it’s a huge age gap and maybe if this shitbrain rubbed two of his brain cells together would’ve realized it’s a big power dynamic. tardweed


Is this guy pulling an onision where he’s throwing a temper tantrum in real time and tries to be funny about it