Twisted Circuit

16 days ago

Just recently found out this game officially surpassed 500 followers. Well hey that's pretty dang cool if ya ask me!

Really and truly I don't have much to say.

Uhhh, Ig if you haven't already you should go follow the page for Twisted Circuit 2, a game which's actually in development. Honestly don't know why the first game is still getting new followers when it's been long over and done. Not that I'm not grateful, just saying y'all should go follow a game that'll actually have updates over on it, you wont hear much on this page.

Any who, yeah, thank y'all for over 500 followers nonetheless. Go check out TC2, I think y'all will be fairly happy with it once it eventually releases in like, 2063 or somethin'.



Next up


Go follow it now!

Happy Halloween!

Real TC2 leak!

Source: Trust me bro.

Out From the Static

- GoldenGamer83; January 2nd, 2024

Thought it'd be cool to make a poster for Twisted Circuit, so I did just that! I might also do one for TC2, though if I do it wont be posted until after that game releases.

Any who, I don't really have much else to say. So uh... yeah, enjoy the render!

This pretty much explains why TC2 has been incredibly silent recently.

Believe it or not, we're not dead! Well, technically we were for a while, but we're finally back! The page for Twisted Circuit 2 will be made public VERY soon, we're just polishing up a couple more things (specifically enemy A.I). Stay tuned!

Just wanna shoutout this FNaF fangame real quick since it's very cool and hella underrated imo. This's FNaF 2: Chaotic Grand Reopening, pretty much UCN but FNaF 2 themed. Has new characters, new mechanics, and even an in-game shop!

Happy Third Anniversary Twisted Circuit!

To celebrate the occasion I made this neat image and decided to share remakes of the hallway renders that I made for fun a few months back, as well as sharing some alts and extra stuff in the article below. Enjoy!