just wanted to give people the power to reply with a ghost reply technique, and now let chaos reign supreme while we fight against the pumpkin revolution on spooktober day 32, hallowen 2, eletric boogaloo
Next up
mistakes are just happy little accidents, however, there are no accidents
so i saw cyan killing blue you know, and i was really scared because someone just killed each other, so i hided in the vent
well i guess i'm back on drawing memes again
An alphys takes action drawing
happy cave update and new fanart with now new shading technique
btw this was made with a pallet called funny 31 made by archer-a in lospec, go check it out :) :
i've been dead for over 50000 years, you din't even woke me up to get the cake did you
i passed the past half-hour doing this : )
"i don't know what mom man ever saw in you anyways, what a waste of time"
~gunman 2019
trick or treat!
hey! got any grapes?