Patty's Pad (OLD VERSION)

3 years ago

Keep an eye on the sky because if there's tasty fried chicken around then Galak is sure to abduct as many nuggets as that saucer of his can hoard!



Next up

Creepingdom's Cool Facts NO. 2

The Forgotten Martyr had a few different designs and names during development! Take a look

Patty is always excited to greet and cook for our hungry customers!

Primrose is always at the helm of the kitchen when it comes to cooking up a complete breakfast!


Melody's voice lures our loyal customers to spend! Spend! Spend!

Rat Race Production Update

There's always time to clown around with our favorite milkshake thieves! Pop and Shake are a tag team duo always ready to steal the spotlight.

Teaser- 7/31/24

''Could someone be at my window?''

Teaser 1/21/25