11 years ago


Kibira** „giggiga ta nimgir gim mun girgiri ene,giggiga šag urugala ta che nib sari ene!”**


Lidstvo potřebuje šílenství. Aby dokázalo že je „lidské” zmítá se a rozněcuje, baží a dychtí po jinémještě světě, po světě vytržení a sladkého šílenství, po hlubinách „tam dole”, jak řekl Huysmans.


Vzdor ohavnostem a bludům má kult DEBTEH pro člověka živého či mrtvého, plného bídy, zoufalství a zášti, svou šířku a smutnou i posměšnou krásu. Příliš vnucuje lidem nenávist k přírodě, prokletí a utrpení těla, bídného, ale přítomného a jsoucího jediným pokladem utiskovaných, malých a nevědomých, všech těch, kdož nedošli dosud poznání a pochopení duše. Nenávist pak ještě roste.


**This game is still In Development and is not currently playable. Follow this game to be notified of any updates!**





Next up

Bukkaku | 3D Concept

Experimental horror survival with elements of science fiction and RPG. A story between life and death in a stylized game origami world. Bukkaku created by Lukas Reznicek in the game engine Unity.

“Apparently, theyre trying to emphasize both the cute and terrifying in this character, as they look adorable but are actually deadly – the game also has decapitations with blood spurting everywhere."

The name „Bukkaku“ has many translations. It kind of makes sense if you think about it. If you are wondering why it sounds similar to bukkake, it's because it comms from the same root word.


The Gameplay of Bukkaku

Experimental horror survival with elements of science fiction and RPG. A story between life and death in a stylized game origami world. Bukkaku created by Lukas Reznicek in the game engine Unity.

Đẹbteħ Teaser Youtube HD

The Gameplay of Bukkaku

Finally, it's time for some new information about my ever-changing game project with the "interesting" name of Bukkaku. I finally decided to go 3D low poly in a way that makes a lot of sense to this concept from the start.

Bukkaku created by Lukas Reznicek. Experimental horror survival with elements of science fiction and RPG. A story between life and death in a stylized game origami world.

I bring you some gameplay footage of the game with pictures. The screenshots are of the more varied parts of the game map in a more elaborate isometric "origami" dimension with Japanese "kawaii" colouring and Mexican style.