Kidnapped At Freddy's
1 year ago

Kidnapped At Freddy's | Weekly Devlog.

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Let's begin with a quick FAQ

Q: Will the game be released soon?
A: No, There is no release date planned as to not rush the game

Q: How long will the game be??
A: No clue currently, hopefully about an hour to complete 100%

Q: Will there be voice acting??
A: Only phone call and main character.

Q: Will there be free roam?
A: Not in the main night section.

Q: Will there be Easter Eggs to other creators?
A: The only Easter eggs in the game are for my friends.

Q: How many nights will be in the game?
A: Standard 5 nights.

Q: Is there only the night sections?
A: You'll just have to wait :>

Q: Will there be a teaser trailer or just a full trailer
A: I do not have any trailers plannned but we never know

Q: Is it just the 4 main cast or are there others?
A: For now there are just 4 (Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and foxy)

Q: Do we play as a kid in Kidnapped At Freddy's?
A: Funny enough, No, we play as a grown ass man.

Q: What percentage is the game currently done?
A: at least a good 15% haha

Q: Currently what was the hardest thing to code?
A: Foxy AI. Even thought it isn't completed his AI was hard and annoying... more annoying then hard.

Behind The Scenes
Here is the main diner section currently.
(WIP not final layout)


Party rooms
(WIP not final layout)


Random Stuff

Currently I have got Freddy and foxy AI's to a playable state where you can actually play night one and 2, They do still need tweaking and fixing but as the game has been in development for about 1-2 months I am happy with the progress.

Freddy and Foxy have 2 very different ways of attacking the player, Which ramps up in difficulty through the 5 nights. The first night will be a easy playthrough the second night aswell. It's starts getting hard in the third night when Bonnie gets active.


Here is Foxy and Freddy, thanks to the marvelous @GeJato for making these great textures!

Office Teaser
as I've been making and texturing models again i wanted to tease the office, Which all models are created and textured by me! So here is that tease...


Closing Statement

I am having a lot of fun and I hope the final product will be cool and fun.



Next up

here's a look at the cut death scene from the teaser that i didn't finish

Been away for a bit. I come back. 0 bugs.

i want to thank everyone for contributing in making me rich!

1 hour till the beta releases

Everything you see is early development footage.

Happy Birthday Five nights at Freddy's.(IM LATE)

WATCH THE FULL CLIP PLS. No joke Watch this without Gamejolts Compression here ->

Spawn day dam, Give me 5 ill show something that im working on

30 minutes till Beta release

June 30th. Get ready for peak.

Happy Halloween for everyone!! (i live in australia so it was halloween yesterday)