Know Your Classics - By Jeroen
5 years ago

Know Your Classics

In this blog I will review old games that should NOT be forgotten. Just because they are old does not mean they are not fun or good. And yes, even when you are too young to remember them from the time in which they originally appeared, you may still want to get your hands on them.

Please note, this blog will mostly handle games that were published as AAA games back in the day, although a few indie productions may also pass by.

Originally this was a forum thread. All review I posted in that thread will be copied here, and I will leave that thread be.

Most of the games I feature here will be DOS games, but it is not unthinkable that games released for other platforms will be shown here as well. Most reviews will also appear in "The Review Club" community.

When it comes to requests, you may suggest them in the comments under this blog post, or on the main page comment section, however I can never promise I can follow requests. I haven't played all games out there, and I've certainly not the budget to buy them all, only to write a review about.

Anyway, enjoy the reviews of classic games, folks!



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