5 nights at the Circle

2 years ago

конец это новое начало....

The end is a new beginning....



Next up

Тизер 1......

5 Nights at The Circle 2

Teaser 1.....

я мечтаю по пасть на небеса....

I dream of going to heaven.....

Hello everyone, the Android version of the game Beta has been released.....

Всем привет, вышла бета-версия игры для Android.....

доброго времени суток! есть плохие новости, файлы с игрой были утеряны, начинаем делать проект с начала.

5 Nights at The Circle 2.....

Good afternoon! there is bad news, the files with the game are lost, we start to make the project from the beginning.

want to show the first sketch of a new character (Portal of Souls)...

хочу показать первый эскиз нового персонажа (Portal of Souls)...

Game Itcho io:


Game GameJolt:

graphics settings (Portal of Souls) V9.5

настройки графики (Portal of Souls) V9.5

Game Itcho io:


Game GameJolt:

Hello everyone, I took a vacation before the New Year because I was working on (Portal of Souls) for about 2 months every day, now I'm thinking about another project, I don't know if anything will come of it, but maybe I'll show this project in the future

In honor of the New Year, we will make a winter location and add a couple of New Year's heroes to the game. (Portal of Souls)

В честь Нового года мы сделаем зимнюю локацию и добавим в игру парочку новогодних героев. (Portal of Souls)

2 site update, comments added.....

2 обновление сайта, добавлены комментарии.....

работа продолжается....

work continues......