5 years ago

KoolCirby Smash moveset!
This is my first time bruhs xD
I'll revisit this when I get better at this because I genuinely love this xDD


Height: 3'6 inches (Excluding Top hat)

Weight: 12 oz (Over 9000 tonnes with the tophat)

Power: (I'mma assume this is damage) (Slightly higher than kirbys)

Speed: (Slightly slower than kirby because if the hat)

Jumps: 2 vertical high jumps, the remaining 4 that equals to kirby are the same as kirby's

Can crawl?: Yes, he squishes down

Kool kirby smash moveset

Neutral attack: Similar to kirby's, throws one jab, and then a second jab, and then finishes it off with a fury of punches, but instead of the opponent flying away immediately after, Kool hits them with a "hatbutt"(Headbutt but with his hat).

Forward tilt: This is basically a copy of kirby's forward tilt, he performs a side kick that can be angled up or down.

Up Tilt: Kool kicks in an upwards path behind himself, hitting behind and above.

Down Tilt (Squish Kick): Kool kicks low to the ground, His hitbox is now kirby's normal size.

Dash Attack (Burning): Kool dashes forward, throwing his hat to perform a series of hatbutts(He doesn't want to ruin his glasses xD)

Forward Smash: Kool lunges forwards with a powerful kick (Bigger hitbox thanks to the hat).

Up Smash: Kool does a backflip, kicking overhead, his hat falls off which does minor flinching damage to those under it

Down Smash: Kool performs a splits kick and spins around (The hat stays because gravity doesn't exist anymore, giving him a bigger hitbox).

Floor Attack (Front): N/A

Floor Attack (Back): N/A

Floor Attack (Trip): N/A

Ledge Attack: Quickly climbs the ledge and throws hit hat infront of him, it comes back to him.

[Grabs and throws]

Kool can do two different grabs, the simple kirby grab which deals no extra damage grab, and the Hat grab, in which he throws the behind his opponent and the hat pushes the opponent back to kool, dealing extra damage, there is a start and end lag to this grab and it's a very easy move to dodge with a simple 1-2 jumps or a shield, the extra damage is mainly a punishment for players who get to lazy to dodge it

Pummel: Kool punches the opponent with his free hand.

Forward Throw: Kool takes the opponent into his hat, only with there head sticking out, and blasts them out of the hat like a cannon, this will move kool backwards from the direction he was pointing in.

Back Throw: Similar to the forward throw, but instead of him just getting sent back, it's more of a boost away or a charge into a nearby enemy, as Kool prepares himself for blast off.

Up Throw: Again, similar the forwards and backwards throw, but he aims the foe upwards, Kool does not move during the immediate launch and this deals minimal damage, however, it does launch the opponent a fair distance up depending on damage(150% leading to an immediate K.O) and this give kool/ another foe a chance to deal some sweet aerial damage in combos.

Down Throw: I know I know, it's getting repetitive, but stick with me here, he blasts the foes into the ground, and the foes get buried into the ground(Upside down, this'll deal minor, and I mean minor suffocation damage to the foe), allowing kool to deal some damage, as soon as he gets onto the ground if the opponent hasn't escaped, you see kool is as light as kirby so when he blasts the opponent down, he gets launched up, this also scales with kool's damage (200% being an instant K.O) so this can allows players to do some decent aerial damage to kool, but lemme make this clear, the down throw does quite a bit of damage, if I didn't make it that the opponent was stuck into the ground, it would be excellent for K.Os, even to the point of saying overpowered.


Inhale: He inhales the foe with his hat and steals their neutral special, hooooooowever! Unline kirby's inhale, Kool can keep multiple fighter's abilities, I'll touch on this more in the gimmick section

Side special: A burst of infinity energy blasts from his hat, dealing flinching damage and launches the opponent away then, his furret appears out of his hat as he commands the furret to use fury swipes! Hitting the opponent multiple times(If in reach) without flinging the opponent away, Kool then compliments the furret and tells the furret to perform the move again, after that, the furret acts like an assist trophy/pokemon, staying in the match walking around the arena, however, if any opponent interrupts it's walk, it'll do as Kool said and perform fury swipes on them.

(TL;DR, Never disturb the furret walk)

Up special: Kools hat ejects upwards, deals damage and pulls any foe along with it(It goes off-screen for 1 second and immediately come back down).

Down special: Kool reaches into his hat and pulls out a fighter's hat(The term used for kirby face change after he absorbs a fighter), this is how he selects the fighters hat, tapping again will make Kool looks through his hat again for another hat, and holding selects the hat, he cannot be interrupted during this, but poison and burn effects still damage him

And finally for the final smash!!
I'd thought about it for a while, and then I decided that the gimmick of the hat, being able to choose between enemy hats could be expanded apon a bit more, so for his final smash (Although I wasn't inspired by it, @Dai_goro helped me explain it to myself more) this is a cinematic smash, starting with his hat would grow and absorb everyone and everything in a slightly below large radius (similar to palutena's blackhole laser final smash) and then shrink back to normal size (The blackhole deals no damage) and drops into kool's hands, he looks into the hat, and the holds the hat out as a series of attacks bulge out of the hat without ripping the hat, this is what deals damage, but here's the thing, the amount of people you absorb with your hat, the amount of attacks happens inside the hat, and not only that, the people you absorbed will be reflected through the hat's attacks, for instance, if you absorb kirby, the hat will show a hammer bulge through the hat.
But not only that, all the items on the floor(like laser guns and healing items) will also matter, as they will deal extra damage to foes in the final smash and also heal them, the damage and healing will be done randomly to random people however.

Taunts! >:3

Up taunt: This causes kool to look at the camera, pull down his glasses a tad and give the audience a sly wink (Because he so kool xDDD).

Side taunt: He pulls off his hat and does a gentlemen's bow to his opponent.

Down taunt: He dusts off his hat and his body and says "Easy"

The gimmick: His hat is the main source of his power, if you knock of his hat, you not only deal damage to kool but you also make him lose mosts of his Koolness, which is how he attacks, witout his hat, he can only really do subpar versions of kirby's attacks, however, the hat always returns to him, and if knock off, returns to him in five seconds.

On screen appearance: His hat appears from thin air, blasts kool out of it and onto the arena and falls gracefully onto his head.

Idle poses: He cleans his glasses and puts them back on

He puts his hat down and his furret's head pops out as he pets his furrets(This does not count as his hat falling off)

Victory poses:

He summons his friends (Random friend pool) and the do a unique super cool poses next to him and he also does one of his super kool poses.

Friend pool:














(I feel like I should add more tho xDDD)

His costumes

1. KoolCirby Sans (By mazou)

2. Humanoid kool kirby (Also by mazou xDD)

3. Horror Kool (The first ever koolCirby, by koolkirby himself)

4. Intimitating kool (This is the second ever kool Cirby, he has no glasses and he does not smile, also by koolCirby xDD)

5. Happy kool (Yes all the evolutions of KoolCirby are there, what do you expect from me?XDD, He has no glasses and he just gives everyone a big grin! Reassuring that each match is anyones game to win!)

6. UwU Cirby (The final Kool before the final Kool xDDD, Needs to be burned need to be loved! :D, It just like all the otherss but it has an UwU face)

7. PschoKirby (|:3)

8. "Kirby" (It's just Kool with kirby's colours, I MEAN IT'S KIRBY WITH KOOLS HAT!!!)

Hope you enjoyed this, if you read it, and uhh, thank Koolkirby for the idea, he's very kool xDDD



Next up

Bro I come back with a terrible list of excuses thing and now I'm 3 yrs old, I'm literally disintegrating-

Art coming out in like, a few hours tho so das cool-

Just watched a musical for the first time, it was beauty and the beast.

Bro I promise you on my life if Hamilton isn't even half as good I'm clowning all of you for the rest of your lives

Umm- uhhh-

My birthday's tomorrow?

HIIIII so I am making the 1951 art contest I did a poll for a bit ago. So, this contest is an art contest (drawings, writing and music all allowed). Me and kool will choose our favourite 3 submissions.


have fun! #1951

I feel like I have to post... something-

But like, I'm not sure half of the people would even like it because "Ahhhhhh boobies die-"

So uhh, NSFW warning? I guess?

HELLLOOO there’s 10 days before the #1951 contest is over!! We only have 2 submissions so let’s at least get to 3 so I can draw all the prizes lol

link to the og post


Me looking for the location of the basement on gamejolt mobile:

I've been playing too much deltarune- Ralsei is in my thoughts-

So now I have made a soft boy OC for a thing I'm working on-

His name's Alduin! :0

HGEELP M @KoolCirby

Hallo yes hi I wan candy please gib-

You get ort WIP???