Our Universal-tale

4 years ago




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Habrá batalla contra Frisk en los Extras Frisk battle on Extras

This is Exeler (the "final" boss), he is like the sans of this AU (he fight with you in almost all the routes) [we don't have a sprite of the character yet, so we put his minecraft skin (phase 5)]


Habrán mas de 4 botones The game is going to have more bottons El juego tendrá algo de relación con Deltarune The game is going to be connected with Deltarune

DELTATRAVELER - v3.0.6 Update

We are looking for some help, and this is your great chance to shine!!!

Well, here the Summer ended and is Autumn now... And Nino knows it, so take this Image from the gallery of the mod. Art by: TomoeDoki

Happy father's day

Las reconocen?

Do you recognize them?