The Old House of alvaro
3 years ago

la traducion en ingles vendra muy pronto

the english translation will come very soon



Next up

To warn everyone, those who play the game, I recommend that you play with low graphics, since with that the loading screens take less time to load, and if you want to play with more fps

Probe el juego no esta quedando feo, aca dejo un gif del testeo tomo 6 meses hacer la batalla tiene 2 phases By kodigo_vicio sprites Try the game is not being ugly, here is a gif of the testing it took 6 months to do the battle has 2 phases

Muy inactivo no estuve? Bueno aca dejo una imagen del juego Very inactive I was not? Well here is an image of the game

Nuevas mecanicas :O new mechanics :O Mecanicas: By Elalvaro Mechanics By Elalvaro Sprite buttons: Kodigo_Vicio

Hi, I'm Alvaro, I'm 12 years old and I've been in clickteam for 3 years. I've come to show that Latin America can make games Hola soy alvaro tengo 12 años y llevo 3 años en clickteam vengo a mostrar que latinoamerica puede hacer juegos

crees que este juego esta abandonado pues no, no subia post porque estaba ocupado y todos los dias ando programando este juego do you think this game is abandoned? Well no, I didn't upload a post because I was busy and I'm programming this game every day

ademas el the old house of alvaro se estrenara su version en ingles cuando salga la 1.1.5, la version trae muchas mejoras also the old house of alvaro will release its version in english when 1.1.5 comes out, the version brings many improvements

hello if you wonder

What graphics engine do I use?

Clickteam fusion developer 2.5 hola si te preguntas

que motor grafico uso?

Clickteam fusion developer 2.5

This Satuday we invite to watch another #speedpainting of our artist Daniel Faiad.

How great is this scene of #Pecaminosa?

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