Lap 2 - Stress - The Death that I Deservioli
Lap 3 - Pizzaface - Pizzaface gets replaced with a secret eye when in a secret, he also gets slower in some rooms that are difficult, he’s parryable and super tauntable too. - Pillar John’s Revenge
Lap 4 - Snick.exe - He lunges at you when far enough away from peppino or who your playing as, grab him to get rid of him - Absolute Abzurditi
Lap 5 - Ghost John - same as the one in wasteyard - Pasta la Vista (really fits the lap mech)
Lap 6 - Tomato Toppin Monster - Instantly starts chasing you - Anti-Pizza
Lap 7 - Mansion Fake Peppino - Copy’s whatever you do, making it completely impossible to lay a hit on him - The ¶Ώڲ₳ I Deservioli
Lap 8 - Peppino Leaning Nightmare - The Snicks from the Peppino’s Leaning Nightmare mod for Sage 2019 are back, and aren’t joking around anymore. - Extremely Crazioli
Lap 9 - Darkness and Pranks - It’s lights out in the pizza tower! Yet noise is pranking you…-Midnight's Suprisegale
Lap 10 - Jingle Hells - Fake Santa has Came to haunt you… - Vengance With A Pinch of Sauce
Lap PLUS - Mancer Mayhem - Pizza Mancer is here now - Pizza Mayhem
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