FNATI, But Dumb!

10 months ago

Last Friday the beta testing of 1.2.0 update started. @Toadder25 is having fun times with Silent Nightmare at Dinsey :3

Anyway, beta testing is going great, we have improved and fixed many bugs and issues.

I wanted to tell you all the news about the update but in the end I decided that you will only know about it when it comes out, so for now you just have to wait.

We are very close to the release, we continue to improve the game and finish the last things.




Next up

My huge congratulations to tizio for being the first to beat the insane Silent Suicide Mouse! This is an important achievement, so go watch his video!

They are Abominated.

I just updated my old Twitter/X account to the new official Aftermath account. If you like that social media, you can follow us there!

I made the cinematic intro for Night 3, but for now it's just a simple concept video to use as a base for the definitive version. I hope you enjoy it though!

I don't understand Unity Profiler, this is good right?

i think its decided (im already done the update anyway)

v1.2.7 Release

The scrolling bar of hall of fame menu is fixed + shoutout to these epic people.

v1.3.0 Release:

This is likely to be the last update for the game, if there are no fatal bugs to be found.

Psst, are you bored? You can see how I'm adding new trophies in live in the trophies tab.