6 months ago

Last post for this year



Next up

2 new characters named Matan Even (Bill Clinton Kid) and Phantom Swagnemite will be in the Blu Spy 4 Update.

My second attempt of beating all of my Blu Spy games (I gave up)

Final goodbye message (please read)

My dumbass trying to attempt to beat all of my Blu Spy games at the same time (I might do it again for shits and giggles)

Blu Spy 4 Update Teaser #2

Small update:

- Replaced the michael p scream with the Half-Life 2 stalker scream after you get rid of mutant sanic bc funny

- Added 11 new posters in individual cams


Remastered Blu Spy (Again not canon)

He's not canon but i got bored so i just made Swagnemite from my game One Night with Blu Spy if he was in a different form so here's Molten Swagnemite (He would be in the 5th game if he was real but the 4th is the final game :/)