Birth By Death
3 years ago

Last Pre-Alpha Update - BBD

The update containing new content and bug fixes

-Fixed bug outside of the old hangar that show the event with a sprite for some reason

-Changed Enemies Health HUD

-Fixed the HUD percentage%


-Updated the skill tree a little bit

-Added randomized weather

-Added Soul Chest

-Added one Soul Defense with x2 Memory Shard

-Added more characters

-Added more scenes to the story after the Second Boss Fight

-Finished the main quest story of the First Continent,will work on the second when the next update will be released

-Added a new Mine as a testing ground

-Added 1 Pickaxe

-Added one side quest

-Removed some useless plugin

-Increased the Second Boss Health

-Fixed the playtime reseting eveytime the player save the game quit the game and load the game and resave the game

-Changed the save screen temporary to see if the Playtime won't reset itself again



Next up

Waiting for Yume RPG Builder be like

maybe back at work

hyper realistic Tails Doll - Birth By Death

3D Model

Character Teaser + Teaser of the new section after the eight pages

Bifurcadon - SCP Force

3D Model

Seriously Again? another pretext ?


Soon - BBD

Samira 3D Model - SCP Force

Some info about the Yume RPG Builder two engines