The Crystal Sword

10 months ago

last spoiler on the new world:

this (and more that I will create later) will be the basis of the chapter concerning the sixth noble, or perhaps I should say the sixth noble girl, since, with a change of plans, I have decided to make the sixth noble a girl, or rather, a woman. In this world you will have the opportunity to master the CRYSTAL SWORD. However, you will only see all this in the full version of the game. Soon.



Next up

3 months ago I posted an image similar to this, the penultimate world is being created. the game is almost complete.

two games: one world

the same world with the only difference that one is before and the other is after.

boys and girls, I've finished creating THE CRYSTAL SWORD, now I want to review it before publication. give me a week.

The fourth world is in the works and will soon be completed!!! although then I will have to add decorations, dialogues, battles, weapons and armor and a secret that you will soon discover eh eh ...

I only need to create the last one world... I'm almost done with the game! 😁

she will be the protagonist of the game:

well let's say that... I haven't even finished the first game and I'm already starting the second. LOL.

Successful landing


Sometimes the suction cup get sticky. Small animation I made in Blender after doing my tutorial on picking up/dropping objects in animations. Crate model by jQueary (…).