horrible nights

2 days ago

last time

if this dont work

will turn everything in st2d

you know the rules


7 calification for get hired

1 comment


Next up

ferry slighty upgraded

now isnt that one fnaj character at all


change of plans chaps

chap 1 artist will be


also we are also taking off the humor of last game in this one

say goodbye the horn of nulli's

ah yeah my favorite demon character

a charizard with formation issues and with purple fire

last leak for real

the currenctly main genderbent of literally my sona

ok now see you later

in hell

like if you get the reference hidden in this image

my late april fools joke will be this game will never get released and get replaced with a tower defense that prob will be cashgrab

last leak for chap 1

''hope you like rabbit holes''

more executioner harassment soon

alright brb

might i spit the ideas in 2 different proyects

time for repre 2 have his moment

early but


i guess i should go do everything by myself

except coding

my honest reaction...

i fucking love the intro theme in demon's crest