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Finally reached the goal

This game made me look like a psychopath

#GJAsks Expendabros

I might be able to make this world anew...

Models, Render and editing by: @AlexSiykovskyi (me)

Made in: Prisma3D, PS Touch and Snapseed

Blood texture by: @Breim

Nintendo, what were you thinking?

A new member has joined Kriya named Junior Rojas as a Technical Designer for the team.

me and the gang

This is better comparison

Original vs Remake (by @TamirRoz )

I have finally found The Road that Falls V font! I couldn't find the font they used for the letter 'V', but considering the fact that it's heavily edited, it's probably extremely hard to find!

Font Name: MADE Future X Header

Look guys, I made it!