3 years ago

Lemme just say something

To all who thinks of the AAC and it's universe as a lackluster SCP ripoff, you couldn't be anymore wrong.

When I thought up the idea of the universe, I wanted to focus more on the anomalies and their stories and struggles, the AAC was more of a catalyst for this story, something to push the story forward.

I never wanted the AAC to be the main spotlight, but it was the only possible way to spread news and bring out my universe easily, by using the corporation to do so.

So please. think before you think about calling it a ripoff



Next up

Been doing tons of angelic lorebuilding recently Wing diagrams halo types angel types And finally Servant of the divine, sinner adorned with rings.


also I have barely developed them as characters and I'm already in love with Aridian.


Kamaria Westgale.

Reincarnation of the ancient star goddess: La'aresiel.

another picture taken of anomaly X

new favorite face of all time

battle for teh heavens


g e t r e a d y

dicsord p2