A Night in the Frost (2022)
1 year ago

Less than 24 hours left.

I got less than 24 hours left in the gamejam and i still have to do the following...

  • Code 2 character's A.I

  • Finnish 6AM animation

  • Add settings menu

  • Add information menu

  • Add ambience tracks

It might not seem like a lot but considering that i also need to sleep it makes it slightly difficult. Also i started the game jam 3 days later than everybody else so that puts me at an even greater disadvantage.

Okay I'm gonna go now so i can give myself as much time to work as possible.



Next up

Hahahaha, fuck you scratch. Nobody likes you.

this is getting more and more surreal by the day


cringe ik

I was close.

But thank GOD we finally got a release date for the movie and a teaser for it! I'm getting more increasingly excited for this movie, but at the same time its feeling more surreal.

Devlog 1- Starting A.I

i'm so confused. what?

Peekaboo 2 is out now! Go play it!

My Big Announcment..